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The 2013 LEE Exam Dates, Times, and Locations have been Announced!


Special Announcement – The New Jersey Civil Service Commission mailed the examination notices to candidates, and they are now being received letting candidates know their test dates, times, and locations for the 2013 LEE. Good luck to all!

The final courses available for the 2013 Critical Concepts & Strategies (CCS) Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) preparation program are scheduled to begin on Sunday, October 27th in Totowa and then Wednesday, October 30th in Tinton Falls. These are the only two sessions with available seating. This is the last opportunity for open enrollment, as I will not be adding additional course dates for any new students thereafter. I will be dedicating my time thereafter to only the CCS students who completed the course to ensure they are 100% ready for the upcoming test. I am currently planning special booster/refresher classes to be scheduled immediately before the actual examination is administered. These special booster/refresher sessions will be free to all CCS students who completed the course and will not offered for open enrollment. For anyone interested in enrolling in the CCS course, go to www.ccstest.com and register on-line under “Available Courses.” I apologize for offering a limited number of courses for open enrollment, but that is necessary so I can dedicate my time and resources to the students who have completed the course to ensure they beat their competition. Good luck to all!

By | 2013-10-23T23:30:24-04:00 October 23rd, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on The 2013 LEE Exam Dates, Times, and Locations have been Announced!

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