Updates regarding the latest news from Critical Concepts & Strategies regarding testing in New Jersey.

When will the next New Jersey Civil Service Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) be held? – CCS Test Prep®
The next New Jersey Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) should be offered as soon as this upcoming year. The New Jersey Civil Service Commission currently has the EB Jacobs company under contract to administer the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB™) as the New Jersey Civil Service Commission Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) during the calendar Year 2018. Assuming they stay on schedule, the upcoming exam announcement should open the application period July 1, 2018. Serious candidates should join the CCS Test Prep® email list by clicking HERE to access the contact template. It is also advisable to "subscribe" to Dr. David A. Paprota's blog updates by entering your email address in the right margin of this page. The CCS Test Prep® program is designed to prepare candidates to achieve excellence on the LEE and will be scheduled once the exam is announced by the state. Likewise, serious candidates who desire to become a police [...]