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Updates regarding the latest news from Critical Concepts & Strategies regarding testing in New Jersey.

CCS Test Prep – Candidate’s Entry-Level Test Dates are Released! NJCSC Website – Tuesday, October 4, 2016

By | 2016-10-04T14:35:01-04:00 October 4th, 2016|All, Latest Testing News|

CCS Test Prep Announcement - The New Jersey Civil Service Commission has just opened the portal for candidate's to learn their specific test dates for the upcoming Law Enforcement Series, Parole Officer Recruit and State Correction Officer Recruit exam. Candidates can learn their test date, location, and time by going to NJCSC Website and entering your identification number (SS#). As previously announced through CCS Test Prep, the testing will begin in October and continue through November into early December. Limited CCS Test Prep courses remain. Candidate's interested in preparing for the exam can go to CCSTEST (click here) to choose one of the limited courses remaining for this cycle.

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CCS Test Prep Announcement – Congrats to CCS Senior Instructor Troy Oswald on his Promotion to Deputy Chief in the Paterson Police Department – Thursday, July 28, 2016.

By | 2016-07-28T12:01:36-04:00 July 28th, 2016|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

CCS Test Prep Announcement (Thursday, July 28, 2016) - Congratulations to CCS Senior Instructor Troy Oswald on being sworn in as Deputy Chief in the City of Paterson Police Department. Deputy Chief Oswald and I have been teaching together for over ten years going back to our days with Holtz Learning Centers. He has distinguished himself in every aspect of his professional law enforcement career and has clearly established himself as one of the top instructors in the State of New Jersey. Achieving a perfect score on the Deputy Chief's exam is just one of the many accomplishments throughout his career. I am so proud of Troy and look forward to this upcoming entry-level training cycle with our fist class beginning on Sunday, August 21, in Totowa. Congrats!

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CCS Test Prep Update – Residency Preference and the 2016 Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) – June 15, 2016

By | 2016-06-15T23:27:29-04:00 June 15th, 2016|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

The following article is published in the June 2016 Edition of the NJCOPS Magazine:   Residency Requirements and NJ Entry-Level Testing by Dr. David A. Paprota, Ed.D. The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) will announce the 2016 Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) through their website on July 1, 2016. The announcement will establish an online application process available for those who aspire to become a municipal police officer, county police officer, sheriff’s officer, county correction officer, or any one of five other titled law enforcement positions. The closing date for applications is set as August 31, 2016. For those who intend to register for the upcoming LEE exam, there are some common yet critical errors in filing the application that may have long-lasting implications if not handled properly prior to and after the closing date of the exam announcement. In the State of New Jersey, nearly all municipalities regulated by the [...]

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CCS Test Prep – Tips from Dr. David A. Paprota on Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer – May 11, 2016

By | 2016-05-11T21:58:14-04:00 May 11th, 2016|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

Dear Future CCS Test Prep Student: The 2016 NJCSC Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) process is quickly approaching, so it is important to understand what it takes to be a successful police, sheriff’s, or corrections officer. Over the months to come, I will be providing helpful hints to provide my future students with guidance in successfully gaining a career in law enforcement. In this segment, I would like to discuss past transgressions and both current and future behavior. I am often asked by candidates about how negative events that occurred in their past will affect them. Unfortunately, you cannot erase some of the mistakes you have made in the past, but it is important that you have moved on, matured, and learned from those mistakes. If presented properly during a hiring process, negatives can actually become a very positive reflection upon the applicant. The key is that you personally learned from the [...]

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CCS Test Prep Announcement – NJ LEE Course Schedule and Registration Available! Early Registrations begin Friday, March 25, 2016

By | 2016-03-28T11:46:25-04:00 March 26th, 2016|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

CCS LEE Prep Course Schedule and Registration Available! - I am excited to announce that I recently posted the course schedule and the online registration process for the 2016 CCS Entry-Level Law Enforcement Exam Preparation Seminars. The schedule and registration page can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. I recommend that candidates take the earliest course available for which he or she can attend. Please let your friends and family know! The more study time before the exam, the better. As was previously posted, the State of New Jersey has indicated that their next announcement and application period for the 2016 Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) will begin July 1, 2016. The state's full application period for the LEE will be from July 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016, which means the actual exam will be administered during the fall months thereafter. The exam writing company is currently conducting the required job-task-analysis which will [...]

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CCS Test Prep (LEE Update) – New Jersey Civil Service Commission Law Enforcement Examination – Sunday, March 6, 2016

By | 2016-03-07T20:48:18-05:00 March 6th, 2016|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

LEE Update - EB Jacobs, the vendor awarded the contract for the 2016 Law Enforcement Examination (LEE), is well into the process of completing the required job-task-analysis in preparation for the upcoming entry-level law enforcement examination. The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) is staying on schedule for a July 1, 2016, announcement of the LEE with applications being accepted online from July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016. The job-task-analysis is a standard process that is periodically required of vendors to validate their widely used test instrument(s). It is conducted to ensure that the exam administered by EB Jacobs, the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB), actually assesses the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, traits, and characteristics necessary for a candidate to be successful as a law enforcement officer in New Jersey. The process will not adversely impact the administration of the exam, as the EB Jacobs LEAB has been previously validated in New Jersey. The current analysis [...]

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2016 Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) Update – Sunday, October 4, 2016 – CCS Test Prep

By | 2016-01-11T21:51:13-05:00 October 4th, 2015|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

LEE UPDATE - After a long period of assessing potential vendors to write the upcoming 2016 New Jersey Law Enforcement Examination (LEE), the State of New Jersey has again awarded the contract to EB Jacobs, LLC, of State College, Pennsylvania. This means that the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) will continue utilizing the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB) which has become so popular nationally for law enforcement entry-level testing. This three-factor psychometric assessment has proven to be the most comprehensive, valid, and reliable law enforcement examination currently available. The NJCSC has used the EB Jacobs LEAB for the previous two administration cycles (2010 & 2013) of the LEE. Likewise, it is the same examination utilized for the separate administrations of the New Jersey State Correction Officer Recruit Examination (2013 & 2015). The State of New Jersey does require that the vendor write three separate and new versions of the exam for administration each testing [...]

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Critical Concepts & Strategies (CCS) NJ State Correction Officer Recruit Exam Prep Seminar Brochure

By | 2015-01-13T23:07:33-05:00 December 14th, 2014|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

The Critical Concepts & Strategies (CCS) 2015 NJ State Correction Officer Recruit Exam Preparation Seminar brochure is available at www.ccstest.com or by clicking this link: CCS NJ State Correction Officer Recruit Exam Preparation Seminar brochure. If you know someone interested in becoming a New Jersey State Correction Officer Recruit, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) is accepting applications online with a closing date for applications now extended to January 29, 2015. For the most advanced and effective preparation for this exam, which is known as the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB), please forward a copy of the Critical Concepts & Strategies brochure to anyone interested in reaching their fullest potential.

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Entry Exam Results Update – Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – Critical Concepts and Strategies (CCS)

By | 2015-01-08T20:22:53-05:00 April 29th, 2014|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

If all goes as expected, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) results will be released on Thursday, May 1, 2014. The long awaited results will provide each candidate with his or her score on the examination, but the ranking on an individual hiring agency list will not be known until the respective hiring agency requests a certified list from the NJCSC. Good luck to all!

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2014 Entry Exam Results Update (3-8-14)

By | 2015-01-08T20:22:53-05:00 March 8th, 2014|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|

UPDATE (3-8-14) - Unfortunately, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) has run into an unexpected technical delay in getting results out in a timely manner. The results would, could, and should have been out by now, but a technical problem has led to the NJCSC needing to engage in a manual process which will likely delay the results by at least another month. While anything is possible, the latest news is that the results may not be available until as late as the second half of April.

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