Updates regarding the latest news from Critical Concepts & Strategies regarding testing in New Jersey.
2019 NJ LEE (Civil Service) Cycle UPDATE! – CCS Test Prep® – Sunday, April 8, 2018
Subject: LEE 2019 Testing Cycle UPDATE The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) just released an update indicating that the next Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) cycle will NOT be formally announced until some time in 2019. This is a significant announcement, as the current results (eligible's pool) from the 2016 cycle will now remain active throughout 2018, and into, if not through all of 2019 until the next set of results are released some time in late 2019 or 2020. Dr. David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Chief of Police - Ret.) is actively tracking which exam the NJCSC will be using for the 2019 LEE cycle. The contracted test-writing company, EB Jacobs (Pennsylvania), was purchased by PSI (California/Nevada) in September of 2017. The previously administered exam, the LEAB-II by EB Jacobs, is being evaluated under the new company's philosophy on exam construct and scoring, so changes are expected before the 2019 test. Dr. Paprota is [...]