Updates regarding the latest news from Critical Concepts & Strategies regarding testing in New Jersey.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Another NEW Test Date Added (Friday, May 18th, 2018)! Monmouth County Police Exam – CCS Test Prep®
SPECIAL NOTICE: The Monmouth County (Non-Civil Service) Police Exam is experiencing record application submissions with the initial four testing sessions scheduled for Monday, May 14, 2018; Tuesday, May 15, 2018; Wednesday, May 16, 2018; and Thursday, May 17th, 2018, CLOSED OUT as FULL. The Monmouth County Chiefs of Police Association has added an additional fifth testing date to accommodate the high demand. After closing out the four testing dates, the Chiefs Association has added Friday, March 18th, 2018, as a test date. Like the other dates, this additional date is expected to fill up quickly. Monmouth County Police Exam candidates who are interested in registering for the CCS Test Prep® Program can review the course information and course schedule at: www.ccstest.com/monmouth/ and facilitate the formal exam prep registration as well.