Upcoming Tests! Police Department and Alternate Route Programs – CCS Test Prep® – February 9, 2018
TESTING ANNOUNCEMENT - Candidates who desire a career in law enforcement have a multitude of testing opportunities now and will have over 50 more as we move forward through 2018. At the time of this post, the Maplewood Township PD (Essex), Closter PD (Bergen), and Cranbury Township PD (Middlesex) are accepting or have accepted applications for open competitive testing, while the Secaucus PD (Hudson) and Princeton PD (Mercer) have announced they will be opening their application period SOON! This is in addition to Bergen, Passaic, Camden, and Monmouth Counties announcing their exams for the very competitive Alternate Route Programs. The Monmouth County Chiefs Association has also announced their county-wide exam that coincides with the police academy's Alternate Route Program. This is just the beginning of what will continue to be a wave of announcements through the remainder of this year. Eight more counties will announce their Alternate Route Program exams, and [...]