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8 03, 2014

2014 Entry Exam Results Update (3-8-14)

By | 2015-01-08T20:22:53-05:00 March 8th, 2014|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on 2014 Entry Exam Results Update (3-8-14)

UPDATE (3-8-14) - Unfortunately, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) has run into an unexpected technical delay in getting results out in a timely manner. The results would, could, and should have been out by now, but a technical problem has led to the NJCSC needing to engage in a manual process which will likely delay the results by at least another month. While anything is possible, the latest news is that the results may not be available until as late as the second half of April.

2 12, 2013

Final CCS 2013 Entry Exam Study Session Completed! (Monday, December 2, 2013)

By | 2013-12-02T22:35:07-05:00 December 2nd, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on Final CCS 2013 Entry Exam Study Session Completed! (Monday, December 2, 2013)

Critical Concepts & Strategies - The final study session of the 2013 Critical Concepts & Strategies (CCS) Entry Level Law Enforcement Exam Preparation Course has been completed! CCS students attended a comprehensive two-day or three-evening training course which included a diagnostic pre-test; formal, detailed lecture; an in-class final examination (post-test); and take-home study materials including practice exams. Each student received a detailed scoring report from both the diagnostic exam and the final exam identifying each student's individual strengths and weaknesses. The student reports were generated through Scantron scoring of the exams followed by the intricate analysis of the exam data utilizing the sophisticated algorithms developed exclusively by Dr. Paprota. This was all reinforced by "free" special study sessions held on five separate occasions leading up to each CCS student's actual examination. I had the best group of candidates that I have seen in a long time. I wish them all luck and look forward to the results coming [...]

23 10, 2013

The 2013 LEE Exam Dates, Times, and Locations have been Announced!

By | 2013-10-23T23:30:24-04:00 October 23rd, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on The 2013 LEE Exam Dates, Times, and Locations have been Announced!

Special Announcement - The New Jersey Civil Service Commission mailed the examination notices to candidates, and they are now being received letting candidates know their test dates, times, and locations for the 2013 LEE. Good luck to all! The final courses available for the 2013 Critical Concepts & Strategies (CCS) Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) preparation program are scheduled to begin on Sunday, October 27th in Totowa and then Wednesday, October 30th in Tinton Falls. These are the only two sessions with available seating. This is the last opportunity for open enrollment, as I will not be adding additional course dates for any new students thereafter. I will be dedicating my time thereafter to only the CCS students who completed the course to ensure they are 100% ready for the upcoming test. I am currently planning special booster/refresher classes to be scheduled immediately before the actual examination is administered. These special booster/refresher [...]

17 10, 2013

Only Two Final Sets of Sessions are Available!

By | 2013-10-17T21:45:46-04:00 October 17th, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on Only Two Final Sets of Sessions are Available!

Special Announcement - The final courses available for the 2013 Critical Concepts & Strategies (CCS) Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) preparation program are scheduled to begin on Sunday, October 27th in Totowa and then Wednesday, October 30th in Tinton Falls. These are the only two sessions with available seating. This is the last opportunity for open enrollment, as I will not be adding additional course dates for any new students thereafter. I will be dedicating my time thereafter to only the CCS students who completed the course to ensure they are 100% ready for their test in November/December. I am currently planning special booster/refresher classes to be scheduled immediately before the actual examination is administered. These special booster/refresher sessions will be free to all CCS students who completed the course and will not offered for open enrollment. For anyone interested in enrolling in the CCS course, go to www.ccstest.com and register on-line [...]

11 09, 2013

Understanding the 2013 LEE (AKA – Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery – LEAB)

By | 2017-02-03T22:09:34-05:00 September 11th, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on Understanding the 2013 LEE (AKA – Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery – LEAB)

Understanding the 2013 Law Enforcement (LEE) In November, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) will begin administering the Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) to prospective candidates vying for civil service public safety positions throughout New Jersey. While the NJCSC refers to the examination as the LEE, the actual examination being administered is a multi-factor, psychometric examination officially known as the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB). The examination is authored by a Pennsylvania-based company known as EB Jacobs. The company establishes a 3 hour and 20 minute time limit to complete the 246 items on the current LEAB. The LEAB is referred to as a multi-factor psychometric examination, since it consists of three distinct parts which are scored separately with multiple scoring scales within each part. The 3 parts are then combined as weighted means to produce a final composite average. A candidate who fails to meet the minimum threshold for any [...]

26 08, 2013

NJ Civil Service Commission (Entry Level) Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) application period ended Wednesday, September 4, 2013

By | 2013-09-04T22:16:07-04:00 August 26th, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on NJ Civil Service Commission (Entry Level) Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) application period ended Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) announced the application period for the 2013 Law Enforcement Entry Level Examination (LEE) on June 4, 2013 and set the closing date as September 4, 2013. The official NJCSC examination announcement included the following job titles: Municipal Police Officer, County Police Officer, Park Police Officer, Campus Police Officer Recruit, Police Officer Recruit Human Services, Police Officer Palisades Interstate Park, Sheriff’s Officer, County Correction Officer, and Correction Officer Recruit Juvenile Justice. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for eligibility in all of the titles listed. It was essential that candidates registered with the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) for the examination during the application dates. The NJCSC does not accept late applications and the next testing period is not for at least two full years from now. Candidates who did not apply for the examination by September 4, 2013, are not eligible for the [...]

18 07, 2013

The NJ Civil Service Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) is Expected to be Administered in November of 2013

By | 2013-09-04T22:21:09-04:00 July 18th, 2013|All, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on The NJ Civil Service Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) is Expected to be Administered in November of 2013

The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) began accepting applications for the 2013 Law Enforcement Entry Level Examination (LEE) on June 4, 2013 and closed the application period at 11:59 p.m. on September 4, 2013. The NJCSC has indicated they are making every effort to administer the 2013 LEE in November to allow for the results to be released in February of 2014. The exam is commonly administered during as many as 90 separate sessions over a three week period in select locations around New Jersey. If all goes as planned, the NJCSC will complete the testing cycle by the end of November 2013. The official NJCSC examination announcement included the following job titles: Municipal Police Officer, County Police Officer, Park Police Officer, Campus Police Officer Recruit, Police Officer Recruit Human Services, Police Officer Palisades Interstate Park, Sheriff’s Officer, County Correction Officer, and Correction Officer Recruit Juvenile Justice. Candidates are strongly [...]

6 07, 2013

Test Preparation: A Necessary Step in Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer

By | 2013-07-06T08:50:43-04:00 July 6th, 2013|All, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on Test Preparation: A Necessary Step in Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer

Test Preparation in 2013. The path to becoming a full-time, sworn, law enforcement officer in the State of New Jersey can be a very difficult and trying task for even the most dedicated and qualified candidate. Performance on a single, competitive examination is a hurdle that stands too often in the way of most candidates achieving their career goals and aspirations. The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) actually contracts with a private vendor to develop the most valid and reliable selection instrument which the NJCSC refers to as the Law Enforcement Examination (LEE). While the NJCSC universally refers to the entry-level examination as the LEE, varying exams written by differing companies have been administered through the years under the heading of the NJCSC LEE. In 2013, it is the highly qualified team of psychometric experts at the EB Jacobs Company who ensure that the examination is extremely challenging for prospective [...]

27 06, 2013

The Selection of All Job Title Areas on the Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) Application

By | 2013-08-04T08:47:25-04:00 June 27th, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on The Selection of All Job Title Areas on the Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) Application

Another common mistake in completing the Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) application through the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) is failing to include all job title options. Many candidates in the past have come to regret leaving out some of the Law Enforcement Series job titles at the time of completing the application. Some reported choosing not to include municipal police officer, while others reported choosing not to include county correction officer, etc. This is an irreversible error after the closing date of the LEE announcement (September 4, 2013). The basic message here relates to never limiting your options. By including all job title areas within the Law Enforcement Series, the candidate holds the power to simply decline or ignore certification notices as they arrive in the mail following the exam. For the two years or more following the exam, candidates will receive certification cards in the mail (based on their [...]

4 06, 2013

Municipal Residency Requirements: The Common Disqualifier

By | 2013-06-04T20:31:15-04:00 June 4th, 2013|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on Municipal Residency Requirements: The Common Disqualifier

Municipal Residency Requirements: The Common Disqualifier The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) has announced the 2013 Law Enforcement Examination through their website. The announcement establishes a mandatory online application process available for those who aspire to become a municipal police officer, county police officer, sheriff’s officer, county correction officer, or any one of five other titled law enforcement positions. The closing date for applications is set as September 4, 2013. For those who know family and friends who are registering for the LEE exam, there are some common yet critical errors in filing the application that may have long-lasting implications if not handled properly prior to and after the closing date of the exam announcement. In the State of New Jersey, nearly all municipalities regulated by the NJCSC have residency preferences for hiring police officers. New Jersey state law, the NJCSC administrative code (rules), and local ordinances establish residency restrictions that [...]