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26 05, 2013

The Applications for the NJ Civil Service Service Commission (Entry Level) Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) will be Available June 4, 2013

By | 2017-08-29T22:28:44-04:00 May 26th, 2013|All, Articles & Information|Comments Off on The Applications for the NJ Civil Service Service Commission (Entry Level) Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) will be Available June 4, 2013

The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) has revealed that the 2013 application period for the Law Enforcement Entry Level Examination (LEE) will begin June 4, 2013 and end September 4, 2013. The official NJCSC examination announcement will include Municipal Police Officer, County Police Officer, Park Police Officer, Campus Police Officer Recruit, Police Officer Recruit Human Services, Police Officer Palisades Interstate Park, Sheriff’s Officer, County Correction Officer, and Correction Officer Recruit Juvenile Justice. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for eligibility in all of the titles listed. It is essential that candidates register with the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) for the examination during the application dates. The NJCSC does not accept late applications and the next testing period will not be for at least two full years. Apply for the examination as soon as the applications become available and always keep a copy of your application and the appropriate [...]