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Massachusetts Police Officer, MBTA Transit Police Officer, State Trooper Exam Prep 2025-03-11T12:36:28-04:00
CCS Test Prep®

Written Exam Preparation

Massachusetts (Statewide)
Municipal Police Officer, MBTA Transit Police Officer, and State Trooper
Entry-Level Examination


Course Fee:  $395

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts announced the 2025 Police Officer Exam with a closing date for online applications extended to Monday, February 24, 2025. The first written exam test date is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 with additional test dates set through March 22, 2025.

Serious candidates prepare for excellence on the written exam using the CCS Test Prep® Online Exam Preparation Program. Candidates who register for the prep will be given 24/7 access to the CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform within 12 hours of the submission of the course registration with access continuing 24/7 up to the day of their actual exam. 

CCS Test Prep® has the most comprehensive and focused prep course available for the Massachusetts statewide entry-level police exam. It is designed for serious students who are looking for the best test prep available. The program starts with Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) mailing (via UPS) each student a comprehensive binder of instructional and practice materials, then working with students using the CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform for the 30 days leading up to the actual exam. Once opened, students have access to the online learning platform 24/7 to study at their convenience. Along with videos and instructional lessons, students have the ability to complete online practice quizzes which are instantly scored. Each quiz includes an answer guide to ensure maximum retention and understanding. This focused approach has proven to be far superior to in-class lectures and has produced exceptional results.

The test is actually developed by a private, national vendor contracted by the State of Massachusetts. The PSI (Talogy) company has developed several versions the Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB) for Massachusetts. The most common version of the LEAB consists of 3 distinct parts with a total of 240 questions administered with a 2.5-hour time limit. The 3 distinct parts. Part 1 is the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) consisting of 30 questions. Part 2 is the Work Styles Questionnaire (WSQ) consisting of 135 trait assessment statements. Part 3 is the Life Experience Survey (LES) consisting of 75 questions. Candidates must achieve a high composite score on the examination to be included in a hiring process.

Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) CCS Test Prep

The CCS Test Prep® program for the Massachusetts (statewide) entry-level municipal police officer exam will be available to candidates up to the date and time of the actual exam. 

For information regarding the the best test prep services provided by Critical Concepts and Strategies (CCS Test Prep®) for the Massachusetts entry-level police examination, please utilize the form below to submit an inquiry. CCS Test Prep® offers the most comprehensive and focused test prep available!

CCS Test Prep®

Course Reg CLOSED

Massachusetts (statewide) Municipal Police Officer and MBTA Police Officer Exam

CCS Test Prep® Written Exam Prep Program

Course Fee: $395.00

CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform

Students will train on the
CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform beginning within 12 hours of the submission of this course registration.

The CCS Test Prep® Program 

This exam prep program is administered as follows:

Upon submission of the prep program registration, the student will be shipped a binder via UPS containing instructional material and practice questions upon registration, so the student can complete pencil-to-paper practice exercises in addition to and separate from the online training program.

Based on the currently scheduled first exam date of March 15, 2025, registered students will be provided 24/7 access to the CCS Test Prep® online learning platform within 12 hours of the submission of the course registration, so the student can work on the very focused program at his or her convenience.

Part 1Cognitive “Written Abilities” Course: Students begin the online training program with the cognitive “written abilities” portion with 24/7 access up to the time of the student’s exam date as scheduled from Saturday, March 15, 2025 to Saturday, March 22, 2025.

Part 2 – Trait Assessment Course: Students will be provided access to the Trait Assessment portion of the program 14 days prior to the student’s scheduled exam date and will have access 24/7 up to the time of the student’s scheduled exam date as scheduled from Saturday, March 15, 2025 to Saturday, March 22, 2025.

Part 3 – Bio-Data Course: Students will be provided access to the Bio-data portion of the program 7 days prior to the student’s scheduled exam date, and will have access 24/7 up to the time of the student’s exam date as scheduled from Saturday, March 15, 2025 to Saturday, March 22, 2025.

Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) actively monitors student progression and performance in the course each day. This is an active course with real-time scoring and answer guides for the online quizzes.


Refund Policy: Due to the nature and structure of online training, there is a strict NO REFUND policy as the study binder is shipped via UPS upon submission of the course registration.

CCS Test Prep®

For information regarding the exam preparation services provided by Critical Concepts and Strategies (CCS Test Prep®) for the Massachusetts statewide police officer examination, please utilize the CONTACT FORM below to submit an inquiry. 

Dr. David A. Paprota will respond to your inquiry within 72 hours. 

Unless otherwise indicated, you will be added to the CCS Test Prep® email list to receive updates from Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) regarding Massachusetts entry-level testing. 

01 - Dave - Wider - Mahwah 1 2016