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New Jersey State Police (NJSP) Exam Prep 2025-03-21T15:30:03-04:00

New Jersey State Police (NJSP)
State Trooper Entry-Level Exam Preparation

CCS Test Prep®


COURSE FEE:  $395.00

New Jersey State Police (NJSP)

Registration for the CCS Test Prep® online program will open once the officials of the NJSP formally open the application period for the 2025 testing and selection cycle. The formal NJSP online application portal is expected to be open from Monday, March 31, 2025 to Sunday, May 4, 2025

CCS Test Prep® offers the best and most focused exam preparation program for the New Jersey State Police entry-level Trooper written exam.

The previous (2024) written testing was facilitated between May 20, 2024 and June 3, 2024. Candidates were able to select an available test date after successfully passing the PQT. 

Officials of the New Jersey State Police are expected to open an application period March 31, 2025 for the 2025 testing and selection process. Candidates must complete a short online application via the NJSP website during the open application period. Following the application period, candidates need to complete the Physical Qualification Test (PQT – see below) to be eligible for the written testing. Those who successfully pass the PQT will be invited by the NJSP to sit for the written test battery.

The NJSP online application information can be found on the New Jersey State Police Recruiting (Click Here).

The NJSP testing involves the use of an exam battery rather than a single test. An exam battery is a combination of separate test components administered in one sitting over a lengthy testing period (5 to 6 hours). The exam battery most commonly includes: an observation and report writing component, a video-based situational judgement component, a reading (fill-in) component, a multiple-choice writing test, a trait assessment component, and a bio-data component. Serious candidates candidates who are committed to preparing for the written exam should not wait to commit to their preparation. Now is the time to register for the program and begin the formal exam preparation.

Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) CCS Test Prep

Since the NJSP written exam series is a compilation of different testing components brought together to assess Trooper candidates, preparation is very important. There are no re-takes or do-overs. Candidates must score sufficiently on each part of the exam to move on in the process.

CCS Test Prep® trains only the most serious and committed candidates using a very focused written exam preparation program. Only those candidates who are committed to the process will be accepted by Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) to complete the CCS Test Prep® Program. CCS Test Prep® offers the best and most focused exam preparation program for the New Jersey State Police entry-level Trooper written exam.

Information on the NJSP Process

CCS Test Prep®

REGISTRATION for the CCS Test Prep® Program for the NJSP Exam is OPENING SOON!

New Jersey State Police (NJSP) - Trooper

CCS Test Prep® Written Exam Prep Program

Course Fee: $395.00

CCS Test Prep® preparation for the NJSP Written Exam.


Students train with 24/7 access on the  CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform.

This CCS Test Prep® program has proven to be very effective in helping dedicated candidates in achieving excellence and moving on in the selection process. The program is very focused and available to students 24/7 leading up to the student’s test date to ensure the best preparation possible. During the online training, each student will have the opportunity to complete quizzes that are instantly scored. Students will be able to quickly identify their personal strengths and weaknesses throughout their studies. Due to the focused nature of the program, the convenience of the 24/7 access, and all of the proven benefits of computer-based learning, students are able to achieve proficiency levels just not possible in basic instructor-led, in-class lectures. 

The CCS Test Prep® Program 

Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. utilizes the CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform to provide the best test preparation services possible. Students have 24/7 access to study at their convenience. Each part of the program is phased in as the student approaches exam day.

The progression of the program is based on the individual student’s test date.

CCS Test Prep®

The NJSP entry-level testing process is as follows:

Step 1 – The Application. The process starts with each candidate completing a 40 question online application. The 2025 application period will be open from Monday, March 31, 2025, to Sunday, May 4, 2025, via the NJSP website https://nj.gov/njsp/recruiting/how-to-apply.shtml.

Step 2 – The Physical Qualification Test (PQT). Prior to the written examination, each candidate must successfully complete a three-part physical assessment. The physical exam is limited to push ups, sit ups, and a 1.5 mile run. Each exercise is scored on a 1 through 7 point scale with the maximum score being a 21. Candidates must meet the minimum standard of at least a “1” for each of the three exercises and must have at least a minimum cumulative score of “15” to pass the physical assessment and move on to the written exam.

              Points Allocation for each Specific Exercise

Points                       Push Ups                       Sit Ups                        1.5 Mile Run
   0 (Fail)                   17 or less                 20 or less                  14:27 or more
   1 (Minimum)         18 – 19                      21 – 22                    14:26 – 14:18
                               20 – 21                     23 – 24                    14:17 – 14:09
   3                             22 – 23                     25 – 26                    14:08 – 14:00
   4                             24 – 26                     27 – 29                    13:59 – 13.51
   5                             27 – 32                     30 – 34                    13:50 – 13:00
   6                             33 – 46                     35 – 48                    12:59 – 11:32
   7                             47 or more               49 or more                11:31 or less

The following video is available online as produced by the New Jersey State Police to assist candidates in preparing for the physical exam.

Step 3 – The Written Examination. The NJSP written exam most commonly consists of a combination of components to form a valid and reliable testing battery to assess candidates.

Through 2023, the test battery included the following components:

    • Observation and Report Writing;
    • Situational Judgment (Video Series);
    • Writing/Memory/Recall Test (Multiple-Choice);
    • Reading Test (Multiple-Choice Fill-ins);
    • Trait (Work Styles) Assessment; and
    • Bio-Data (Life Experience) Assessment.

Candidates must score sufficiently on each section of the test battery to be eligible for Step 4 of the process.

Step 4 – Group Selection. Wait to be selected as part of a group chosen to move on in the process.

The remainder of the process includes a very thorough Background Investigation followed by the Candidate Review Board (CRB) for a standardized interview. If selected, the candidate will then be subjected to a medical assessment as well as a psychological assessment.  

Any candidate interested in preparing for the next New Jersey State Police written exam cycle should complete the pre-registration form (above) to be added the the CCS Test Prep® email list.

It is important to note that the NJSP Trooper Exam is not administered by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) and does not follow the NJCSC testing cycle.


Unless otherwise indicated, you will be added to the CCS Test Prep® email list to receive updates from Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) regarding New Jersey entry-level testing. In addition to the New Jersey State Police Exam, dozens of other entry-level law enforcement exams are held throughout the year in New Jersey. The New Jersey Civil Service Commission is now announcing the statewide Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) on an annual basis. Likewise, nearly half of all municipal police agencies in the state are not under the civil service system and administer their own exams which are known in New Jersey as “Chief’s Exams.”