Contact CCS Test Prep®
If you are scheduled to sit for a competitive law enforcement examination, complete the CONTACT FORM below to initiate contact with Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) to learn what exam prep services are available. There are currently eight prominent national test-writing vendors that are contracted by police departments around the country to administer their particular exams. Each is different and requires a different approach to score high. CCS Test Prep® prepares candidates for the specific exam that is being administered. Please what the following video regarding police testing around the nation. |
Please complete the below form and you will receive a response within 72 hours.
If you are going to be sitting for a competitive law enforcement exam, make sure you research exactly what exam you will be taking. The types of exams (e.g., LEAB™, NCJOSI™, IPMA-HR™, etc.) vary greatly. Since each exam requires a different approach to score high, it is critical to know what you will be facing on exam day. You are welcome to reach out and ask questions about the particular exam you will be facing. Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) will personally answer your inquires and let you know what assistance is available. |